Bloody Day

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That day sun rose at 6:30 AM. The cock at the neighborhood woke up only at 8:00 O’clock and started blowing its whistle. In this 21’st centaury even cocks wake up late, so why blame me. As usual, I woke up along with that stupid cock who never whistles on time. It was a Saturday and I was already late to the office. I spend the next ten minutes thinking of a good reason not to go to the office. For some reason, may be because it is winter, my brain was not innovative and I was not getting any good reason to take a leave.

At last I reached office by around 9:30 AM. Thank God I am just half an hour late. As usual, I missed my breakfast. Now my next task is to somehow login to my computer without the team leader noticing me. Because my 6 feet 85 KG of flesh is something which is hard to hide my Team leader caught me red-handed. He was looking at his watch as soon as he saw me. I hope his watch is half an hour late. He has this habit of keeping his watch 10 min early to GMT and I have the contradicting habit of setting my watch 30 min late. His usual question haunted me: “Why are you late again? “. Now how can I tell him that I am innocent and the whole problem was because of my neighborhood cock? So I just gave my innocent smile which said: “This will be the last time “.

My stomach started crying for food. And the only way to console was by galloping a bottle full of H2O. From some corner of the floor a familiar voice came: “Anyone here with A+ blood “. Something tickled in my brain. This might be the only chance to get out of the office. I raised my hand, then slowly a doubt shadowed. Is mine really A+? I checked by company ID which was supposed to have my name, blood group and office address in bold capital letters. To my dismay, the ID was in such a bad state that I was not even able to read my name properly. Mine should be A+, how can it be B+ or AB+? A+ sounds good. So with full confidence, I raised by hand again. The owner of the heavenly voice was Mr. Mahesh one of the team leads. So he came to me and said: “Deepak, would you mind donating your blood”. I just looked at my self.. Umm I think I have lots of blood so donating some was not a problem, even though I have not done this in the past. So I replied with a smiling face: “Sure, why not “. “ Okay, then get ready to come to the hospital, my friend is in great need of blood “Replied Mahesh. “ Okay Mahesh, but before that can I have a cup of tea, “I asked. “ Yes, but make it fast” replied Mahesh. I ran to the canteen and ordered my favorite pack of Mike Bikies.

Before I could finish the pack Mahesh came and this time one more person with a thin build was accompanying him. His name is Titi. Not a common name, right? So he is also from the same group A +. The ride to the hospital was smooth. On the way my doubt started to build again “Is mine really A+? What if something happen to the patient after taking my blood? Will I be responsible for the Murder? Slowly tension started building. I asked Mahesh: “ Aaa .. Mahesh when I checked my blood last time it was A+. Anyway the doctor’s will check the blood group once more. Right? “Mahesh: “Yeah they will. You need not worry.” He also told us that his friend is in a critical stage, he is having deadly Dengue fever. And blood transfusion is happening every now and then. I felt proud of myself; I am going to save a human being. My blood cells will fight hard against those viruses and save his life. My mind started thinking on how to make efficient vaccines against such diseases. This is the problem with me. Even if I don’t know anything about the subject I will try and make something about it. Before I could come out with some effective vaccines we reached the great Apollo hospital. I was looking out for mosquitoes.

Just because Dengue is spread by those small creatures with tiny wings they were my greatest enemy at the moment. Mahesh introduced me and Titi to his friend’s relatives who were very happy to see me. The doctor was the happiest of all. After seeing me he was counting the bottles of blood he will have. He told us ( me and Titi ) that they will be taking a little blood for the check up first. After that if everything is alright blood transfer will start. So it all started with Titi. The nurse came took a little blood from Titi’s thin body and took it for testing. The next turn was mine. I was told to sit in a chair. A beautiful nurse came with a needle in her hand. My proud face was looking straight at the needle. The nurse put a tight band on my biceps. I was happy to show my muscles. She was smiling at me and I smiled back. Slowly the needle was injected on one of my nerves. The blood started flooding into the syringe attached to the needle. I can hear my heartbeat. It was pumping more blood, more than required. I was staring at the blood and counting the heart beats at the same time. I closed my eyes …. CRRRRRRRRRRRRR…….. CRRRR ….

What happened …? I opened my eyes. To my amazement, lots of doctors and attendees have crowded near me. They were telling something but I couldn’t hear it. I don’t remember where I am. I looked at the ceiling fan which was rotating in slow motion. Did I have an accident? How did I reach the hospital? My eyes were looking around and it stopped at a poster which says to donate blood. My memory switched to active stage again from the coma. So did I have a heart attack? A nurse was pouring water on my face. Someone else helped me get on my feet. My back was paining like anything. Still I didn’t get any idea what happened. I was told to lie down on the bed and a doctor tested me. When I told about the back pain he wanted me to do a full check up. As soon as I heard that my back ace disappeared.

Someone came with a glass of water. Mahesh came towards my bed and asked me: “What happened “. I put the same question back to him: “What is happening? “. He replied in a light tone: “You fainted after seeing 3 drops of blood “ The Sister with the beautiful face was smiling at me. I tried to hide my face. Mahesh asked the doctor: “Doctor.. Can we take blood now “. Doctor replied: “We couldn’t get enough blood to test it first. Leave the blood donation part “.

I left the hospital with a packet of Glucose in my hand. At least I tried to help someone … BLOODY DAY ….. 


anand said…
I'm Lovin' it :)
Radical Surge said…
Oh..Goddd....I hope he turns to story writing.....At least we will not have to listen to his god forsaken songs in the morning!!!!
Priyan said…
Hmmm... Isthappettu....
Kishan Tikandar said…
hmmmm..., i did hear this from Mahesh as well.....
naddy said…
undaa....u actually fainted on seeing 3 drops of blood??? pathetic...
but of course...good that u set out for helping someone... :)
writing style is good...have expressed everything well...jus check on the spelling mistakes!! n keep blogging!! :)
nbvhj said…
He is a brave guy but never expected he is so scared of blood....his story is much appriciated because the way he has written the story is wonderful....:)
Babith said…
Eda....this looks have good scope for been a respected somebody said this is better or rather far good than your lousy songs....keeps the words moving!!!!!
Unknown said…
deepu, this one was interesting..cud not resist laughing at the thought of u fainting and being the centre of attraction of the whole public :)

waiting to see ur next article on "Why do they call me Undan?"
rgz said…
dude !! lovd d piece of writing ...! keep rocking..
Rajesh (RASH) said…
Undaan, imagine if the doctors and sweet nurse had taken one bottle of blood or if you faint during the mid-way for donation what would have happened.. I think this can be your next topic...
Rajesh (RASH) said…
People, this is the real story which happend.. some two years ago and I was th witness for this incedient.... poor undaan he could not face us the very next day.... FYI.. we both fall under same catagory I donated blood (only one bottle)and fell unconcious in my first yesr of collage life... much younger then you!!!! I am still remembered by this incedient in collage....
anjana said…
an Indian boy
with sharing mind
that oozing blood
with sharpen spine
a bottle fiLl
with rooted pain
may this blood
save in pouch
give that blood
for my heart
hunt that blood
to Turn it back
that 3 drop blood
on puppet march
Unknown said…
hi Deepak,

cool blog man....i love the way u narrate....

Anoop George
Blogger King said…

enthey mail nee kaaryamaakenda... eetayalum Glen edit cheythathu kaanaanundu!! hee..heee

nice piece of writing buddy.. :))
silence said…
heheheh..after reading this i srsly was not able to control my smile:):)

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